Availability for Adele’s Gentlemens’ Club Members Only… (Updated 15th September)

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Hello Gents

Gentlemen I’m sorry if we haven’t already had the pleasure you have missed the opportunity to enjoy my delights. I now only entertain reliable gentlemen who I’ve seen before and enjoyed our time together.  From 31st October I will soon be limiting membership to those gents I’ve seen since my return to the South coast in February 2020.  This will eventually be reduced to gentlemen that I have seen in the previous 12 months on a rolling basis.  There is very little point having a dormant membership.  My phone number will also change and won’t be advertised.  This will reduce the administration time of fielding non-member enquiries.  Please DO NOT contact me asking for the new number as that will defeat the object of the exercise, I will let you have the number when I see you.

Please find below my availability for gentlemen who are members of Adele’s Gentlemens’ Club.  You are automatically a member if I saw you BEFORE March 2024 you were reliable and we had an amazing time.  What can I say disorganised men are such a turn-off!   Don’t forget, if you’ve changed your number you need to let me have a note of your previous number in your first contact, there are a lot of chancers trying to blag a booking despite me having never seen them before.

I will point out that the quality of the time you have with me depends on your behaviour and how you present yourself.  Personal and oral hygiene is a must.  If you find you get limited services you need to reassess your personal and oral hygiene.  Attempts at boundary pushing will result in you being pretty bored while you are sat in my boudoir on your own for the duration of your booked time!

I have decided to ensure that our fun times stay “FUN” I will only be taking a limited number of appointments a week.

Gents as you know, I don’t sit in my suspenders just waiting for your call, I lead a very busy life and have other work commitments so you do need to book in advance with a minimum of 24 hours’ notice.  You know I’m worth making that little extra effort for.  Below is an indication of the times I expect to be able to break away from my non-adult industry work:

From w/c 2nd September my availability goes back to “normal”ish and some of my dungeon furniture will be reassembled.  Don’t forget I can never see you “now” I’m worth being that little bit more organised for:

Sunday, 15th September ~ fully booked

Monday, 16th September ~ please check back on the day as it depends on when the repairman leaves, or indeed if he even turns up!

Tuesday, 17th September ~ some availability between 10am and 6pm

Wednesday, 18th September ~ please check back

Thursday, 19th September ~ between 10am and 2pm

Friday, 20th September ~ between 10am and 6pm

Saturday, 21st September ~ between 2pm and 9pm

Sunday, 22nd September ~ might be possible

Monday, 23rd September ~ not available


Gents please don’t contact me using HOTMAIL and it looks like OUTLOOK too if you wish to receive a response.  Hotmail and Outlook come back with a message saying the server has been blocked, it appears they don’t like you arranging to have fun in the adult sector!

As always I will look forward to our delightful interludes as only we can.

Adele x

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